Show HN: React SaaS – Boilerplate with automated setup of dev/prod environments

After accidentally nuking the production database of my last side project, I wished I had used dev/prod environments with automated DB backups.

When I looked for a SaaS template to start over with integrated dev/prod environments, I couldn’t find one. So I decided to build it myself.

To help speed up the setup, I also built Bash and PowerShell scripts to guide users through the process.

The current stack is Next.js, Firebase, and Stripe. However, I’m considering writing some Terraform modules for GCP resources to further speed up setup and provide more flexibility for power users.

Would love to get your feedback!

Supebase instead of firebase would be better imho.

3 days agoanonzzzies

I used Supabase in a previous project and found that I prefer Firebase for MVPs.

1. I prefer NoSQL to start because I don’t have to deal with numerous database migrations when I want to update the schema due to changing requirements.

2. I prefer Firebase’s out-of-the-box authentication: https://blog.hyperknot.com/p/comparing-auth-providers

However, I would consider Supabase if row-level security or complex queries were necessary for the MVP.

Regardless, if one of my MVPs gained real traction, I would want to move away from a Backend-as-a-Service solution.

3 days agowillschneider15

I feel like these "50% off for the first 50 users!" sales are 99 % scams, all that's missing is "purchase in the next 5 minutes for 80 % off"

2 days agokebsup

I cringe at Firebase and worry that this might be an issue. I would prefer not to have code debt at the start.

2 days agodesireco42

I’m curious if it is a tactic these days to not have a way to contact the website owners/founders/sales. It is becoming pretty common to see no email/contact. Is this a way to paywall that part as a premium feature?

I really hope that wasn’t the plan for this too. I’m more of the notion that a way to contact/email someone on the other end even if it is even sales "sales@foobar.com" is a way more comfortable/trusty feeling than seeing no way to contact at all.

Best wishes to your effort.

3 days agoBrajeshwar

I appreciate the feedback I will add that to the lander.

3 days agowillschneider15

You said that you couldn't find one, so MakerKit.dev has dev/prod envs, and many more features.

3 days agojust-tom

I did check out their features but did not see that listed on their landing page.

May consider dropping the $300 to try out their kit.

3 days agowillschneider15
