The making of Four Laps – a looping video about looping videos (2021)

That was absolutely awesome!

I haven't done one for a while but I used to really enjoy giving "lightning talks" (which was the same idea, a 5 minute talk about just about anything). The thing that was so fun about them was that it really was a performance more than just a talk - to do a good one required a lot of thought and planning for how you were going to get your point across in 5 minutes. And the nice thing was that rehearsing the talk only took 5 minutes, so you could really practice it a lot and get it nailed down.

I gave a few conference talks too, usually an hour long slot - and those were fun in their own way - but geez, rehearsing it more than once or twice was just too much time.

20 hours agoepiccoleman

> OBS which is an exciting expetimental software "experimental" as in you can make experiments with it or as in it's recent and unstable ?

21 hours agohollow-moe

I think he means the former - OBS is maybe not „professional“ but in my experience it has excellent quality and can match most professional solutions

21 hours agoantimemetics

To me, the thing that makes it not professional is in software only use without hardware control devices. Once you put a control device to operate it, I don't see it any less professional than so call professional offerings. That is altogether a comment on the usage of not the software itself. Sure, it might be clunky in comparison to other options, but that's a pre-production problem and I've actually seen worse--I've used Chyrons in the bad old days of SD interlacing.

21 hours agodylan604

Superb work. Hats off to you!

21 hours agoaneeqdhk