GPU Debug Scopes

Cool to see how the Vulkan and OpenGL implementations differ. Also did not ever expect to see Paint Roller on HN.

5 hours agoDigiEggz

What are other cross platform (as in cross-GPU) tools other than RenderDoc that can show GPU debug info?

I found Microsoft Pix, but it's not very useful for Vulkan except showing some performance counters.

8 hours agoFlex247A

Just RenderDoc really. PIX is DirectX only, and everything else is vendor specific.

I don't really know why you wouldn't just use your vendor's tooling though. The only thing I use RenderDoc for is I find debugging with it a bit easier than NSight when I need to find a problem, but for anything performance related I use NSight (and would use PIX as well if Nvidia didn't gimp it).

Oh also Intel's IGA I've found to be very buggy as well, so I avoid that.

8 hours agojms55

What's AMD's equivalent to Renderdoc these days?