PeerTube 6.3

Peertube is another one of those projects I've been using more and more over the last months. It's mostly a matter of being finding interesting content over time.

Like many of the other open-source/libre alternatives to big platforms, there are few lock-in (aka network) effects, and so platform usage increase tends to be sloooow (aka organic). Extremely unsexy for 10x unicorn VC investment I guess. But for a user who wants to see interesting stuff it's great!

Before anyone interjects: yes, I'm aware that peertube won't work for all creators. NotJustBikes has been very clear that it would simply not be an option for them. Nebula (creator coop) seems to be the best compromise for them for now.

Anyhow, nice list of new features, much appreciated! <3

2 days agoblack_puppydog

Nebula is (most likely) not a coop.


2 days agopwdisswordfishz

I'm more interested in the financials and funding of the service - it's "easy" to provide a better service if you're losing money burning VC cash, but we know that'll never be sustainable.

If they are better for the creators while also being at least cashflow-neutral, that's a much bigger deal IMHO than specifics on /who/ owns it.

2 days agokimixa

Interesting read. Although the "Update" section at the top finishes thus:

> Ultimately the worst thing Nebula has done is provide some misleading marketing spin. They’re still an infinitely better deal for creators than YouTube.

2 days agoblack_puppydog

> Like many of the other open-source/libre alternatives to big platforms, there are few lock-in (aka network) effects

I feel like the biggest problem is that this solves problems that are different then the ones most people have with youtube.

Like from what i understand from the creator side, the creators want a bigger piece of the ad revenue pie. Peertube isnt going to help with that.

2 days agobawolff

There are only a few creators so much better known that I will follow them. Most of the time I don't care who shows me that interesting content, so long as it is interesting good enough.

2 days agobluGill

>Like many of the other open-source/libre alternatives to big platforms, there are few lock-in (aka network) effects, and so platform usage increase tends to be sloooow (aka organic). Extremely unsexy for 10x unicorn VC investment I guess. But for a user who wants to see interesting stuff it's great!

I think you are missing the point: there is pretty much no money to be made with peertube. It's just people using their own bandwidth and time to host and make videos they want to see.

>NotJustBikes has been very clear that it would simply not be an option for them. Nebula (creator coop) seems to be the best compromise for them for now.

Because there is no monetization angle to peertube aside from donations. But whatever, youtube was great before monetization so I figure there is no need for these kinds of filmmakers in the long run.

2 days agobeeflet

I think you misunderstood my comment. I'm very happy there's no investment angle in peertube, big fan of the "product" as it is.

And I understand full well why it's not an option for NJB. For starters because they were very clear about it when they wrote about it on mastodon. :D

2 days agoblack_puppydog

Do you have a link to NotJustBikes' thoughts on the topic? I can think of a few reasons it wouldn't work for them but I'm curious what they hit.

2 days agoshadowgovt

Just a brief exchange here:


But from that little, I'd interpret (!!!) that

a) It's much less of a hassle to use nebula, and

b) economically and power-wise, they see nebula like a creators' union.

It makes sense to me, I don't have grief with this. :)

2 days agoblack_puppydog

Peertube has been a fantastic way to mirror videos from Youtube and have embedded versions that are ad- and cookie-free. It's got support for mirroring channels from the other video providers which makes it a breeze to run. I've deployed it for various communities:

- https://watch.ocaml.org (for all the OCaml language talks over the past 20 years)

- https://watch.eeg.cl.cam.ac.uk (for our research group on environmental science)

- https://crank.recoil.org (for my personal talks and videos)

The fediverse integration is a minor plus, but the permanent nature of the video hosting. My only wish is that there was a way to bidirectionally mirror view counts, so that the Peertube mirrors don't look like a ghost town.

a day agoavsm

I already have a Fediverse account on my own domain (via masto.host, an excellent service). There's no way for me to reuse that ActivityPub actor with PeerTube. The fact that making this possible isn't a huge priority for the community gives me serious reservations about building on AvtivityPub.

2 days agoapitman

Main bulletpoints

* Separate audio and video streams for more flexibility

* Browse subtitles in the transcription widget

* Set up Youtube-dl for smoother imports

2 days agocrtasm

The first one is such a simple feature yet I find it crucial for all music/podcast listeners. Not every video needs to be watched.

2 days agothrowaway2046

Framasoft are so cool. I've been following them for over a decade (starting with Framablog) and they never ceased to impress me.

2 days agosimlevesque

Are there any known legal actions taken for people sharing copyrighted material? I know that in some countries e.g. Germany it is dangerous to share via P2P as it's quite probable that some law firm will sue you.

2 days agovander_elst

If you are worried about legal action, you can buy a seedbox anonymously in some 3rd world country to host your stuff. People use those a lot for private trackers in the bittorrent world, so I figure same applies to webtorrent.

Of course, you can just go without p2p and just do client-server. That's a bit slower though, but you could do that over tor or something.

In the long run, maybe you could figure out webtorrent over i2p, I've heard p2p has had some success over i2p with applications like i2psnark but IDK as i've never used it and IDK how it would interact with WebRTC data streams (might need some sort of proxy?)

2 days agobeeflet

peertube replaced webtorrent with hls-p2p. you can't use a seedbox to help a peertube instance anymore.

20 hours agogoatmeal

How are people finding performance on PeerTube?

My biggest gripe with videos shared on Mastodon is that with so many nodes hosted on personal infrastructure on the wrong side of the consumer / producer gap in the way the modern web is laid out (i.e. hosted over a consumer cable connection with asymmetric upload / download bandwidth), trying to play a video often feels like I've been zapped back into the late-'90s and am waiting for an animated GIF to download off of USENET. I'm wondering if people generally find videos on PeerTube come through faster.

2 days agoshadowgovt

It's generally bad unless you have a peer or two. The only instance i've used that's fast is videos.lukesmith.xyz but thats probably because his fans self-host and mirror his videos in webtorrent