Show HN: I built your next webapp, monitoring, and CI/CD for you, on your stack

I got sick of:

- Re-writing the same Terraform for the same common AWS infrastructure

- Re-writing the same Rails code to build the same webapp

- Re-configuring the same monitoring systems & CI/CD pipelines

- Spending a week in dependency & configuration hell wiring it all together

When I was launching my first two startups, I wished I had a strong starting point with all of the best practices & technology configured out-of-the-box.

Every tool I found wanted to lock me in to some PaaS provider (that might not even exist in a year) who wanted to take a premium on my infrastructure spend every month. All I wanted was some strong starter code, a working system, and total freedom from there.

I made Launchpad Stack so engineers like me can stop reassembling the wheel. No platform lock-in, no monthly payments, no license restrictions. It’s your code, your business, and you can launch it today.

I would love your feedback!


A point of confusion is where it says both:

》Want unlimited launches of the latest launchpads? Need ongoing support? Reach out to (email)

》Reuse your code as many times as you like.

Is the first one a cloud offering and second referring to self hosted?

a day agolangcss

Thanks for flagging that! The intent is that you're welcome (and encouraged!) to use your launchpad as many times as you like, for as many projects as you like.

However, that code will slowly become out-of-date in the form of deprecations, dependency updates, new launchpad features, and a changing tech landscape. If you always want the most up-to-date starting point, that requires another (discounted) purchase, or the ongoing support plan!

Does that make sense?

a day agoabewheeler

It does thanks. Sounds like "support plus access to future versions when released"

A pricing table might help here.

9 hours agolangcss

I think you're right. I super appreciate the feedback!

2 hours agoabewheeler

I'm around and would love to discuss!

2 days agoabewheeler

> I had a strong starting point with all of the best practices & technology configured out-of-the-box.

Check out: https://hub.scroll.pub

Launch sites in 100 milliseconds.

It's going to start quite a wave, bigger than all the stacks you mentioned. We could use some clever people to run startups that ride that wave ;)

a day agobreck

Hey there, looks like a neat tool to quickly publish static content! Took me a second to figure out the intent here, there's not much context on the landing page.

Launchpad Stack is a tool for developers to kickstart dynamic, complex, and highly custom software. Looks like we're complementary!