API-LLM-Hub: In-Browser LLM Integration for Static Websites

I might be missing something here, but from the demo it looks like the user has to enter their API keys for their LLM provider. Is this is the intended use case for this tool? If so, how is this better than making a regular API request?

21 hours agotaikon

Yup, it's another alternative to using the regular API. The issue was that a lot of the providers required you to build their libs and caused a lot of friction running on standalone vanilla JS. This aims to compile all those solutions and package it.

18 hours agoIEatPrompts

This is great! I made a thing that works with OpenAI all within browser. Thought if making it work with Anthropic etc was putting me off. Will just use this lib.

20 hours agosmusamashah

Ya, had a lot of trouble figuring out Anthropic as well. They don't have examples for overcoming their CORS issue.

18 hours agoIEatPrompts
a day ago

Hey! Don't understand what the other commenter has against your project but it is quite interesting!

a day agomeiraleal

Thanks a lot!! Really appreciate the comment

18 hours agoIEatPrompts

BS. Import doesn't work on static websites. This code is for ES6. This post is spam.

a day agocjtrowbridge

Your GitHub link doesn't even work, and the js file being imported is just plagiarized from Google.

a day agocjtrowbridge

What are you talking about? Have you be living in a cave?

Edit: by his comments history, he is just a sad hopeless troll