How to find R-lang heavy jobs?

How do I find jobs that use the R language? It's impossible to search the letter "R" on linkedIn or Indeed without getting a bunch of unrelated job postings

"R" is the only programming language I know (stats major) and I can't find a job that uses R because job search engines don't allow you to sort by skill

"R language" is the closest substitute on linkedin but the results are still a jumbled mess of jobs, some looking moreso for other skills (SQL/Python) and mention R passively

I know R-heavy jobs exist but finding them on LinkedIn is virtually impossible

Some people in industry wearing a "data scientist" hat may be working with R. I worked with a few people in a for-profit megacorp who had developed a particular forecasting model in R -- that model ended up getting rewritten in Python to "productionise" it, but a few of the folks who developed the original R stuff came along for the journey.

Maybe another approach to searching could be to try popular R libraries with unusual/rare names as search keywords. searching for quoted things like "Python or R" might also find you a few candidate jobs.

2 hours agoshoo

The R programmers I've met (3 of them) have all worked in government or science (two for the EPA, one for the DoE). All other data scientist or statistics heavy jobs I see people using python because the tooling tends to speed things up

14 hours agoshortrounddev2

Look for biostats jobs