Parallel PNG Proposal (2021)

I don't know much about this proposal but I know that the restart marker proposal exists which I believe tries something very similar: https://github.com/w3c/png/issues/60

//EDIT: also Apple is assumed to have an extension that does something similar: https://www.hackerfactor.com/blog/index.php?/archives/895-Co...

2 hours agothe_mitsuhiko

This proposal is much simpler — it encodes slices of the image with filters and zlib block boundaries that make them naturally independent and obviously correct, and just adds a chunk saying "yeah, it's safe to use that".

The restart marker proposal just adds more configurability on top of that, which IMHO isn't needed. It makes implementation more fiddly. And I'm not sure why they're talking about recovering from broken gzip when spec-conforming encoder shouldn't generate broken gzip.