Firefox DevTools Network Tab: How to filter requests by properties

I wish there was a way to save or "favourite" filters. I often find setting them up to be tedious enough that I just scroll through everything instead.

3 months agokristiandupont

You may want to see if there's an existing bugzilla for it, so you can track its progress, or the less ... bugzilla-y ... way may be to ask in their Discourse https://discourse.mozilla.org/c/devtools

3 months agomdaniel

> see if there's an existing bugzilla for it

Bugzilla is a bug-tracking platform.

3 months agocxr

Bugzilla is the software the powers bugzilla.mozilla.org.

3 months agocxr

thanks for the PSA, I use the network tab alot and was still unaware. If you hover in the field the '?' symbol will actually link to this help page.

when you filter the requests and export an .har, the archive will include only the requests listed. For adhoc extraction I then poke at the har with jq to get what I need.

3 months agoflas9sd

TIL HAR files are just JSON, I always assumed they were some kind of binary archive file. Very convenient.

3 months agoHakkin

I'd like to know if there is a way to have FF developer tools automatically update CSS like Chrome does if you add a directory to its sources tab. Very useful.

3 months agojonnycomputer

In the "Style Editor", you can create new or open existing CSS files in the style sheets pane on the left.

3 months agouallo

I'll check it out. Thank you.

3 months agojonnycomputer

I find Firefox dev tools to be so much better than Chrome's. I know at least 2 people I got to switch main browser just on the basis of that.

3 months agoquibono
