Codin' Dirty

What I love about this is how it demonstrates the impact the Clean Code advocates/movement have had on software. The post author refers to 200 line functions are feeling questionable. When Clean Code was first introduced, seeing functions that were thousands of lines was a regular occurrence, and there was no norm established that perhaps we should strive for more brevity.

Similarly, unit test have become accepted practice, and improved overall project quality, even if TDD is uncommon.

Clean Code is, IMO, too extreme in many respects, but it shifted the conversation and conventions in a much-needed direction.

The final point he makes is a major missing piece; using polymorphism and type systems well is difficult and requires up-front thought and design work that many programmers are both unaccustomed to, and uninterested in. So conditionals remain the norm. That is unfortunate, but also predictable.

9 hours agotacitusarc

Good post. Saved to cite the next time that someone in code review asks me to breakup a large function that is a series of linear steps that won’t be reused.

10 hours agosenkora

Let’s call it “Gross Coding”