Cut the Cord: Wireless Power Transmission for Cars Is Coming

For a minute I thought this was going to be about charging electric vehicles, and was aghast at the inefficiency and "not the problem right now" of it all.

Fortunately this is about internal (non-)wiring between components. Still, having a whole car door being removable is pretty niche.

> featured power mirror adjustment across a clear Lucite mount to the door,

Does that mean if someone removes the door, they lose their side mirrors? That seems like a design flaw, since presumably you would still want the mirrors when driving the thing around, door or not.

10 hours agoTerr_

I read the article, and I am no more informed about this than before. What it tries to explain it doesn't put them into a digestible form, doesn't explain anything, or gets it just plain wrong.

10 hours ago6SixTy
10 hours ago