Show HN: rtrvr.ai/exchange – World's First Agentic Workflow Exchange

We initially launched rtrvr.ai: an AI Web Agent Chrome Extension that can autonomously complete tasks, scrape data to Sheets and call API's as you browse Chrome with just prompts!

We showcased out AI Agent:

- Researching and Trading Stocks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1glo1GuojeM

- Automating LinkedIn Outbound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct__f-fLS8A

- Uploading to a CRM Database via AI Function Calling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLJoJFbuwB0

- Bulk Applying to Jobs in Background Tabs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl5QzFpf1xg

We are now releasing the world's first Agentic Workflow Exchange for users to share and import Tasks, Functions, Recordings, and Retrieved Datasets! We hope to create a marketplace for creators to construct and monetize workflows, and consumers to discover automations and immediately run them on their browser to save time and effort!

Check out this demo of importing the above Bulk Applying to Jobs demo and re-executing: https://youtu.be/SuURHtEip-0

Check us out on Product Hunt for more info! https://www.producthunt.com/posts/rtrvr-ai-exchange

What's your thought behind having an exchange? You want everyone to collaborate on creating big datasets for training or individual use?

21 hours agoquarkcarbon279

So not only datasets but also automations.

Say I figured a prompt, recording and other input to get an AI Agent to work exceptionally at say filling a job applications on LinkedIn, others can then reuse this exact input for their own job apps with the extensibility of our AI Web Agent Chrome Extension.

On the dataset side, we are targeting the long tail of datasets that people don't even bother to create because its expensive or tedious, like master list of Yemeni Coffee Houses in SF or all municipal audit files for municipalities in California. So yes for personal but more for prosumer or small and medium business use case!

I gave a sample artifact of over a hundred credit card APR's and other offer details extracted: https://www.rtrvr.ai/exchange/artifacts/L2U0jTbkwHTJ73nzSFgO

21 hours agoarjunchint

The credit card data is massive. Lemme play around with your agent.